Gold Charts R Us (GCRU) is a high-quality weekly trading service. Each Wednesday morning, this 20+ page letter walks you through what’s happening in today’s key markets, providing specific trading advice on gold and silver shares, as well as key futures markets.
Each issue includes specific buy and sell recommendations, stop losses, descriptive charts, detailed technical analysis, strategy, fundamental information and much more.
There’s no undirected buy/hold/pray strategy with Gold Charts R Us. Instead, we take the guesswork away, provide maximum hand-holding buy and sell guidance – so you’ll always know what to do with your hard-earned money.
GCRU even provides money management advice telling you what percent of your gold portfolio you should be trading and what percent you should be holding gold as a core investment. Via our method, you should end up with a cost free gold portfolio.
The objective is to profit from the fast moving metals, gold and silver shares, and other markets. To see a sample issue of GCRU click here.
The service started in February 2002 by the famous Harry Schultz and was swamped with orders at its inception. Chevalier Harry D. Schultz, the highest paid investment consultant in the world according to the International Edition of the Guinness Book of Records 1981-2000 is one of the original founders of the entire investment newsletter business. And he successfully steered his GCRU subscribers to many big gains.
Upon his retirement in 2011, GCRU was taken over by the Aden sisters and their star trader, Omar Ayales.
It’s available every Wednesday by e-mail. Buy and hope is not nearly as profitable as buy at chart support, sell at resistance and rebuy, with stops, etc. Via charts, people can make 400-500% more than holders who only ride up, down, up, down.