Take advantage of this special offer to The Aden Forecast subscribers.
Our weekly trading service normally has a cost of $1,200 per year, which you can easily make back on a single trade! Try our service with today’s super special offer, …a 35% discount for Aden Forecast subscribers only. That’s right… you´ll have all of our research, proprietary indicators and our weekly in-depth analysis for only $780 for an entire year (That´s only $15 per issue every week, for a total of 52 weeks!).
Not only that, if you decide that this service is not for you within the following 30 days, give us a call, we´ll cancel your subscription and give you a full refund.
Right again… you’ll have access to four of our weekly issues completely free if you choose to cancel your subscription at the end of the 30 day trial period.
We realize our service is not for everyone. But we’re convinced that once you try it, you’ll soon realize the benefits will far exceed the costs.